Welcome to Season 3 of the award-winning Precision Medicine Podcast
Clinical conversations about the effective use of precision medicine for cancer care.
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Season 3
Author and Breast Cancer “Previvor” Ali Rogin on How Progress in Precision Medicine Empowers Patients to Make Informed Decisions
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we speak with Ali Rogin, author of Beat Breast Cancer Like a Boss and award-winning producer of PBS NewsHour who shares her personal story as a breast cancer previvor. Ali says the progress in precision medicine and genetic testing has given women and men with a predisposition for the disease options they would never have had before, enabling them to make proactive, informed decisions about their future health. Listen here
Airdate: 10.01.21 | Length: 30:31
Dr. Kashyap Patel Tackles Oncology Treatment Disparities and Brings Light to the Darkest Areas of Cancer Care
For our 50th episode, we welcome Dr. Kashyap Patel, medical oncologist and CEO of Carolina Blood and Cancer Center, current president of the Community Oncology Alliance, and author of a new book, Between Life and Death: From Despair to Hope. Dr. Patel explains the social determinants that can impact the quality of care and opportunity for precision medicine that patients—and specifically oncology patients—receive. For him, Covid-19 brought to light the impact that disparities in healthcare can have for all of us. Listen here
Airdate: 08.27.21 | Length: 30:31
Janine Morales, PhD On Applying Precision Medicine More Strategically With Molecular Testing
In this episode, Janine Morales, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer at Trapelo Health takes us inside the complex world of evidence-based decision making in oncology. Specifically, she explains how having access to a real-time knowledgebase and a team of experts that curate current clinical evidence can empower providers to make more appropriate decisions at the point of care. Listen here
Airdate: 07.28.21 | Length: 32:21
Dr. Howard McLeod on Chasing the Fun and the Power of Collaboration in Precision Medicine
We cover a lot of ground with Dr. McLeod, Medical Director for Precision Medicine at The Geriatric Oncology Consortium, in this podcast including career advice, the advancement of precision medicine technology and the positive impact of COVID on telemedicine and clinical trials. Read the full summary and tune in to the audio below. Listen here
Airdate: 06.17.21 | Length: 40:16
Bill Bonello and Clynt Taylor Examine the Future of Precision Medicine and How to Provide Better Access to More Patients
Leaders from NeoGenomics Informatics and Trapelo Health discuss challenges in precision medicine and how evidence-based technologies can help deliver more appropriate, value-based care to more patients. As a subtext is the recent acquisition of Trapelo Health which is aimed at improving access to precision medicine testing and treatment. Listen here
Airdate: 05.12.21 | Length: 29:16
Dr. Caroline Carney and Clynt Taylor Discuss Managing the Total Cost of Care in Precision Medicine
In this notable episode, Dr. Caroline Carney, Chief Medical Officer at Magellan Health, and Clynt Taylor, Trapelo Health CEO, join us to discuss how collaborative technologies can help payers more effectively manage the cost of precision oncology while delivering the best outcomes for patients. Listen here
Airdate: 04.08.21 | Length: 32:22
Dr. F. Anthony Greco Explains How Precision Medicine Has Led to Better Treatments for Cancers of Unknown Origins
Dr. F. Anthony Greco, medical oncologist at Tennessee Oncology, to discuss the role that precision medicine has played in improving our diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Listen here
Airdate: 03.30.21 | Length: 33:18
Dr. Gabriel Bien-Willner Part 2: Helping Payers Adapt to the Paradigm Shift of Precision Medicine
Dr. Gabriel A. Bien-Willner, Medical Director of the MolDX program at Palmetto GBA, dives into the core challenges that payers face in navigating the explosion of precision medicine tests and treatments, and how the prior authorization process can be streamlined for better workflow and patient outcomes. Listen here
Airdate: 02.22.21 | Length: 25:28
AbbVie’s Christopher Boone Integrates Real-World Data with Precision Medicine for Better Patient Outcomes
In this episode, we talk with Christopher Boone, Vice President and Global Head of Health Economics & Outcomes Research at AbbVie, to hear his thoughts on how using data to understand a patient’s real-world environment can expand the practice of precision medicine. Listen here
Airdate: 01.22.21 | Length: 36:14
Airdate: 12.10.20 | Length: 28:30
Precision Medicine is Coming Faster Than You Think: Guests Rob Metcalf and Clynt Taylor
In this first Season 3 episode, two innovators in precision medicine technology join us, Rob Metcalf, CEO of Concert Genetics and Clynt Taylor, CEO of Trapelo Health. What we learn from them is that after 20 years of hearing about the “promise of precision medicine,” technology has reached a critical point where it can begin to accelerate that progress.
Listen here

How can we resolve the complexities of using precision medicine for cancer care?
Trapelo knows.