How can pharmaceutical companies connect more cancer patients to life-extending targeted therapies and clinical trials?
Trapelo knows.
Trapelo is the first-of-its-kind, precision medicine platform to align pharmaceutical companies and oncology networks around the goal of improving patient access to targeted therapies and clinical trials.
Trapelo makes it possible to:
Accelerate clinical trial accrual
Gain valuable insights into practice testing patterns
Eliminate under-testing for certain biomarkers
Ensure consistent screening of patients for actionable gene targets that may indicate a precision therapy is appropriate
Increase the chances that patients will have access to life-extending therapies

Of the 2 million people diagnosed with cancer in the U.S., precision medicine is helping just a few percent. Many doctors still lack expertise in the area and fail to administer the genetic tests that could open the door to a precision medicine treatment.*
– Newsweek 2019: By targeting each patient’s unique tumor, precision medicine is crushing once-untreatable cancers. But only a fraction of patients currently benefit. Can medicine close the gap?
The Most Appropriate Treatment Path
Delivers evidence-based, point-of-care decision support on appropriate and accurate genetic testing
Simplifies the interpretation of genomic test results to ensure physicians don’t miss opportunities to prescribe precision therapies when appropriate
Critical Reference Materials and Payment Assistance Information
Presents treatment guides and other patient reference materials at the point of care
Enables physicians to better communicate to patients how they may afford the therapies that are right for them
Reimbursable Tests and Treatments
Enables physicians to see which tests and treatments have reimbursement assurance from the start
Speeds patient access to life-extending and life-saving therapies
Because Trapelo is integrated into the clinical workflow before tests are performed, it can identify ideal candidates for clinical trials early in the decision-making process.
Trapelo’s advanced analytics provide insights on network-wide practice patterns in genomic testing and treatment selection, and reveals what subsequent action was taken when a patient is matched with an appropriate therapy or trial.
Watch and learn more about what Trapelo knows.
“84% of oncology survey respondents believe it is important to provide guidance to oncologists to help them navigate molecular diagnostics and targeted therapies.”
– The Academy: Quantitative Survey Analysis, 2017

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Episode 58: Enabling Comprehensive Genomic Profiling in Lung Cancer
In this episode, we welcome back Dr. Luis Raez, Medical Director and Chief Scientific Officer at Memorial Cancer Institute, who is joined by Dr. Pranil Chandra, Chief Genomics Officer at PathGroup. Together, they discuss the key barriers to performing comprehensive genomic profiling and how collaboration between oncologists and pathologists can enable a more consistent approach.
Contact our host to learn how sponsoring the podcast can help your brand message stand apart.

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